Colts Neck Township Schools seeks dedicated, qualified substitutes. If you are interested in applying, please access the following link for information on applying for all substitute position:
Click here for Substitute Teacher Information
Substitute Teachers - $125 Per Day/$130 for 5 or more consecutive days in same classroom
Substitute Nurses - $125 Per Day
Substitute Instructional Assistants - $15.13 Per Hour
Substitute Lunch-Recess Aides - $15.13 Per Hour
Substitute Secretaries - $15.13 Per Hour
Substitute School Nurse and Substitute Instructional Assistants
For information on applying, please access the link above (Substitute Information). Submit a letter of interest, resume, two letters of reference to Dr. Richard Beck, Director of Special Services, 70 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ 07722 or email Ruth Lawton, Secretary to the Director of Special Services at [email protected]. EOE
Substitute School Secretaries and Substitute Lunch Recess Aides
All applicants should submit a letter of interest, resume and two letters of reference to Dr. MaryJane Garibay, Superintendent, Colts Neck Township Schools, 70 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ 07722. Documentation can be emailed to Dawn DeLuca, Human Resources Secretary, at [email protected] as well as faxed to 732-837-0785. Please contact Dawn DeLuca at 732-946-0055, Ext. 4127 with any questions. EOE
Substitute School Security Monitors
Hourly Rate: $25
Mail cover letter, resume, and 2 letters of reference to Mrs. Tricia Barr, School Security Specialist, Conover Road Primary School, 56 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ 07722, or Dr. Colin Rigby, School Security Specialist, Cedar Drive Middle School, 73 Cedar Drive, Colts Neck, NJ 07722. EOE
Substitute Custodians
Available to work flexible daytime and evening hours
No minimum number of hours required
$15.13 Per Hour
Prior cleaning experience preferred
Ability to pass criminal history background check
Proof of U.S. citizenship or legal resident alien status.
Mail cover letter, resume and letters of reference to Mr. Nicholas Moretta, Facilities Manager, Colts Neck Township Schools, 70 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ 07722 or email required documents to [email protected], or Christine Tesoriero, Facilities Secretary [email protected]. EOE
Substitute Bus Drivers (Fully Licensed School Bus Drivers Preferred)
Bus Driver applications must be picked up at the Colts Neck Township Public Schools Transportation Department, 231 Route 34, Suite B, Colts Neck, New Jersey 07722. Please contact Ms. Nicole Orozco, Transportation Coordinator, with any questions at 732-431-0681. EOE
Substitute Transportation Aides - $15.13 Per Hour
Submit letter of interest and resume to Ms. Nicole Orozco, Transportation Coordinator, Transportation Department, 231 Route 34, Suite B, Colts Neck, New Jersey 07722. Any questions can be directed to 732-431-0681. EOE