Payroll and Pensions

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Welcome to the Payroll and Pensions Department located within the Business Office. Please direct all questions relating to any pension matters, payroll deductions, direct deposit, name change, etc. to the following individual:

Mary Antonelli
Payroll Manager
732-946-0055 ext. 4102
[email protected]


All contractual employees of the district must be enrolled in one of three state retirement systems. Full time certified staff are members of the Teachers' Pension and Annuity Fund (TPAF), part-time certified staff are members of the Defined Contribution Retirement Program (DCRP), and non-certified staff are members of the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) or (DCRP). Members of all the DCRP contribute 5.50% of their salary for these benefits, while members of the (TPAF) and (PERS) contribute 7.50% of their salaries for these benefits. Membership handbooks/facts sheets for all three of these retirements systems are posted below, and employees are encouraged to review the contents to become familiar with these valuable retirement benefits. Enrollment in the Member Benefits Online System (MBOS) is highly recommended.


The Payroll Department is responsible for the administration of all aspects of payroll including calculation, processing and distribution of payroll. Paychecks are issued on the 15th and 30the of each month.  Security Monitors and Substitutes are paid on the 15th of the month for work performed the prior month. Completed and signed timesheets/vouchers are due in the Payroll Office no later than five (5) business days for the 15th of the month to allow enough processing time.

Employees are strongly encouraged to utilize the Direct Deposit option. Funds may be directed to up to three (3) banks accounts, which may be updated at any time. Please note that initial enrollment in Direct Deposit and changes to account information require two (2) payroll cycles for implementation, and that in the interim traditional paper checks will be issued.

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